Tender Details


Execution of LG&RD Development Schemes

Search Engine # TSE-20241003303
Procurment Title Execution of LG&RD Development Schemes
Procurment Description
  1. Small Schemes through LG&RD at Gilgit (Pertaining to Ms.Dilshad Bano Member GBA)
  2. Provision of tuff Paver in Various streets of Jutial Gilgit
  3. Construction of side drain and repair maintenance of water channels
  4. Rehabilitation of water channel at Jutal Gilgit. GBA-III
  5. Pony track Gasho
  6. Sewing Machines for GB, 
  7. Water Channel in Yaseen Colony, Tuff Tiles in Jutial Gilgit and Water Channel at Upper Jutial
  8. Construction of water supply and boring for clean drinking water for district Gilgit and district Nagar
  9. Lift pump for drinking water to public school & College Jutial, Defence colony Area, Rahim Colony and Aminabad
  10. Provision of Drinking water at KIU Kashiro Das Gilgit
  11. Establishment of Water Filtration Plants in Halqa-I (Rs.8.00 million). Halqa-II (Rs. 8.00 million) Halqa- III (Rs.8.00 million)
    1. Water purification plant in Halqa-I Gilgit
    2. Water purification plant in Halqa-II Gilgit
    3. Water purification plant in Halqa-III Gilgit
  12. Construction of community Hall at Minawar Baharabad(5 million) & Fencing of Agricultural land at Damote Das(4 million)
    1. Const of community Hall at Baharabad Minawar
    2. Fencing of Agricultural land at Damote Das
Procurment Type Invitation to Bids
Department Executive Engineer LG&RD Gilgit
Publish Date 03 October, 2024
Closing Date 22 October, 2024
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